Mary- Rabbuni!

Mary Magdalene, what are you about,
as I follow your footsteps through the gospels?
You begin and you end with JESUS.
I see you at Simon’s house
with your perfumed oil,
and I find you again at the tomb,
carrying fragrant spices.
What are you about Mary?
You are unique in the gospels,
as the one always at the feet of Jesus.
At your home, where Martha busied herself.
At the Cross with Our Lady.                                                                              
I never find you when you are not in adoration of Him.

Such faithful love did not go unnoticed.         
You were the first to see Him after He rose.
“Mary,” He said,
And you were at His feet again.

Mary Magdalene, what are you about?
Tell me please,
that I too may follow in your way

And anoint today
the Adorable Face of JESUS,
with grateful love.

And sit at His feet,
washing them with
tears of repentance

And stand by the Cross,
consoling Him as I bear
my own little crosses.

And someday, behold Him
resurrected as you did,
and fall at His feet in worship.

Where are you going O Mary?
Take me along please!
For no greater words could I hear
Than those JESUS spoke of you:

“She loved much.”

Cross post from:
Thanks to Patricia for this beautiful poem.


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